This Video Playbook Shows Lawyers How To...

Get Free Advertising, Get Loads of Credibility, and Rank Higher in Google

By Getting Featured on TV...for Free


  • Want to get your law firm seen by more people and potential clients? (without ever having to leave your home or office...)
  • Ever wonder why some lawyers get all the opportunities and media appearances? (and you secretly wish it was you...)
  • Tired of losing clients to less qualified lawyers in your market? (who somehow just have better marketing...)
  • ​​​Want a proven Step-By-Step System to get on TV and become known as the number one attorney in your market? (without spending boat loads of money on a fancy publicist?)


Get in Front of Thousands of Potential Clients & Blow Up Your Firm’s Brand Even With a $0 Advertising Budget (In Less Than 6 Minutes)

Get in Front of Thousands of Potential Clients & Blow Up Your Firm’s Brand Even With a $0 Advertising Budget (In Less Than 7 Minutes)



Just Imagine...

What if Growing Your Firm

Was as Easy As Sending a Text?

Imagine, client after client calling and hiring you, because you’re the expert in your field

The top attorney in your market. 

How great would it be to not have to worry about where your next client is coming from? 

And what if all of this could be achieved simply by sending a few text messages? 

This CAN Be a Reality, and the Best Part is...It’s Free!

When you get featured on the news, it does some amazing things for you. 

For starters, you’ll be seen by tens of thousands of people from your local area. 

In bigger markets, make that hundreds of thousands

The average national broadcast has millions of viewers! 

But that’s not the best part! 

People don’t realize how easy it is to get on the news. 

Instead, most people think that you have to be special to get on the news. 

This means people will see you as special. 

They'll see you as someone whose opinion matters. 

You'll be seen as one of the top, if not, THE TOP attorney in your market. 

This gives you credibility like no other, and you can add this credibility all over your website and social media. 

Imagine, a potential client doing market research has NO CLUE who to hire. 

And then she finds you, and sees “as seen on" with these logos beneath it...

She can't help but be impressed! 

And you'll find yourself at the top of her list. 

But That's Not All! You'll Also Rank Your Firm Higher in Google!

Today, each news story includes a blog post on the station’s website. 

Often, the news station will link to relevant websites, such as the website of the attorney interviewed. 

When a news station links to your website, it can boost your Google rankings in a major way! 

You see, one of the main ways Google decides where you rank is based on which websites link to you. 

When a trustworthy website, such as a news station, places a link to your website, it’s like they are vouching for you to Google. 

It’s kinda like when a client refers a friend to you. 

Because they were referred by someone they trust, the friend is much more likely to trust you. 

That’s how Google works. 

So, let’s say ABC News in Tampa links to your website. 

Google trusts ABC News, so they are more likely to trust you. 

The more they trust you, the higher you rank. It’s that simple. 
And here’s the best part: your competition can’t even pay for these links! 

These links CAN ONLY be earned, which gives you an advantage over all of the other attorneys in your market. 

FACT: Reporters NEED YOU Way More Than You Need Them!

Local reporters are responsible for finding their own stories, every day.  

This means that each day they have to find a new story that people actually care about. 

It's not just hard, but it causes an enormous amount of stress. 

Often, they work unpaid just to figure out what they are going to cover. 

I know this because my PR Director Andrea Lyon, is a former news reporter!

(Btw, she helped create this entire playbook. You have a news expert in your corner!)

She knows what it's like to be in the trenches grinding out stories 14-16 hours a day.
This is why reporters need you way more than you need them. 
As a lawyer, you’re a reporter’s dream!  

You deal with real problems that impact real people every single day. 
The problem is, you probably don’t realize just how many stories you actually have to share. 

Once you uncover these stories that you already have, reporters will be contacting you and featuring you over and over again. 

This means free advertising. 

A massive boost in Google rankings. 

And more credibility than you ever could imagine. 

FACT: Reporters Will Beat Down Your Door to Get You On The News When You Know What They Want...

It's not hard to make this a reality...

When you KNOW exactly what reporters want and how to easily and consistently give it to them.

All of these benefits and so much more are right in front of you.

Waiting behind a locked door that other lawyers don't have the key to.

I want to give you a super simple playbook that you can use...

Introducing the Law Firm PR Playbook!

My name is Andy Stickel and I’ve helped thousands of lawyers in every practice area and every corner of the globe build thriving law firms using simple, innovative marketing techniques that actually work!

With the Law Firm PR Playbook, you now have EVERY proven tip and strategy my team and I have used to help get lawyers the attention (and qualified leads) they deserve!

This playbook is the ultimate cheat code for your firm. 

You can use it to build a rock-solid reputation in your community...

And attract gobs of new qualified leads...

In less time than it takes to watch an Instagram story or finish a cup of coffee.

You don't have to guess about what works and what doesn't.

This video playbook shows you exactly how to create perfect pitches for stories that make reporters salivate.

Not only that, but you'll discover the perfect TIME to pitch your stories.

So you don't waste time or annoy reporters that are eager to help you.

No Matter Where You Are, OR What You Practice...You CAN Get Featured and Reap Massive Benefits For Your Law Firm!

A lot of lawyers think they don't have stories to tell...

Or ideas that reporters would even want to hear.

But that's not the truth!

In the Law Firm PR Playbook, you'll discover the 3 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS for stories that work every time. 

The best part?

You don't have to waste 7 hours a day emailing reporters to get featured. 

We'll show you secret shortcuts for reaching out to reporters and getting responses...

Even if you have ZERO media contacts right now.

We'll even show you how to put to bed the fear of being misquoted. 

So there's NO FEAR of your words being twisted or your reputation tarnished.

These strategies CAN work for you.

Check out some success stories from other attorneys!
How One Lawyer in a "Tough" Niche Became a Local & National News Darling And Made His Phones Ring Off the Hook
Josh is an immigration attorney in California. 
Using the exact same techniques you’ll discover in this course, we got him featured on Fox LA!

Other news networks and stations like Univision and ABC picked him up as well.

He was amazed! He even professed his love for Rupert Murdoch!

When you get access to this course, you’ll see an exclusive interview with Josh about the success he’s achieved and why this works so well.

This CAN work for YOU!
Lisa is an SEC defense attorney in Illinois.
Using this exact same strategy and her expertise, we were able to get her featured on CNBC in front of a group of viewers packed with her ideal clients.

Talk about a tough niche...but we got her featured!
Amanda is a Personal Injury attorney in South Florida.
We were able to get her featured on the news in her area AND get those priceless links to her website that can help boost your firm's Google ranking.

Imagine Getting Featured On...

I hate to say it,

but if you don’t solve this problem

then you’ll never build the thriving firm that you want.

You’ll continue to lose leads and clients to your competition...
Even though YOU are the best attorney that they absolutely need.
Even worse, think of all the vulnerable people going through some of the toughest times in their lives that WON’T get your help because they didn’t even know you existed.
How many hundreds or thousands of lives won’t get the resolution they want or the help they need?

The good news is

there’s a simple solution for this

I want to show you a way that you can fight back and gain the credibility AND success that you deserve.
I want to show you how to get clients, credibility, AND publicity for your law firm...
Without spending a single dime on advertising!

Introducing the Law Firm PR Playbook!

My name is Andy Stickel and I’ve helped thousands of lawyers in every practice area and every corner of the globe build thriving law firms using simple, innovative marketing techniques that actually work!
Getting featured on the news is your fast-track to building a rock-solid reputation in your community.
Imagine reaching thousands of potential clients (millions in some markets) and SHOWING them that you’re the highly-educated expert they NEED…
In less time than it takes to watch an Instagram story or finish a cup of coffee.
Not only do you get valuable exposure worth it’s weight in gold...
Most of the time you score PRICELESS links to your website that it’s IMPOSSIBLE for your competition to buy, even if they drove to the news station with a blank check!
These priceless links boost your ranking in Google and give you yet another way to attract qualified leads day in and day out.

Most lawyers don’t know that getting on the news is actually super simple. 

They haven’t cracked the code that can unlock massive growth and opportunities for their law firm. 
Well, this playbook is the combination that can unlock all of that and much more for your law firm.
And the simple strategies you’ll discover in this course ACTUALLY work!

How One Lawyer in a "Tough" Niche Became a Local & National News Darling And Made His Phones Ring Off the Hook

Josh is an immigration attorney in California. 
Using the exact same techniques you’ll discover in this course, we got him featured on Fox LA!
Other news networks and stations like Univision and ABC picked him up as well.
He was amazed! He even professed his love for Rupert Murdoch!
When you get access to this course, you’ll see an exclusive interview with Josh about the success he’s achieved and why this works so well.
Lisa is an SEC defense attorney in Illinois.
Using this exact same strategy and her expertise, we were able to get her featured on CNBC in front of a group of viewers packed with her ideal clients.
Amanda is a Personal Injury attorney in South Florida.
We were able to get her featured on the news in her area AND get those priceless links to her website that can help boost your firm's Google ranking.

Here’s Your Exclusive Offer...

You'll get lifetime access to this proven course showing you everything you need to start ranking at the top of Google and attracting qualified leads like a magnet for ONLY $497 $49!
That’s like spending $1.63 a day on SEO for a month.
That's less than a double cheeseburger. Half the price of a coffee!
And chances are you’re probably spending way more on SEO right now...
And I can’t think of a worse situation than not being in the Google maps and losing potential new clients and revenue every single day.
Get the complete Law Firm PR Playbook today.
Because learning how to rank at the top of Google is CRUCIAL for any lawyer...
Whether you help car accident victims…
Whether you’re helping families navigate through a tough divorce…
Whether you’re in estate planning…
Or you help businesses protect themselves and their futures...
It’s an urgent and necessary skill to know.
ESPECIALLY if you plan on building a top firm in your practice area and location.
Because you never know what can happen one of these days…
Google could change one line of code...
And your site could plummet, or your ads could stop working...
Like the panda and possum updates that caused headaches for lawyers all over the world...
So if you learn how to play Google's game and use the clues it gives you…
You’re going to be light-years ahead of every other lawyer once you discover the strategies and methods I teach you…
You'll get ideal leads pouring in to your law firm every day…
Without spending thousands per month on Pay-Per-Click ads or wasting hundreds of hours getting links…
It’s a win-win.
You don’t even need to be good at SEO or marketing to make this work.
Just follow the simple steps in the training…
And you can soar to the top of Google...even if you can't spell SEO!
So click the button below and reserve your seat in this exclusive training for a small one-time investment of $497 $49!
Hurry, seats are extremely limited and hundreds of lawyers have already signed up.


Get SIX of my best cheat sheets to help you stop wasting time with low-quality leads and marketing strategies that don't work. You'll discover simple tips that help you rank higher in Google and consistently funnel more high-quality leads to your firm!

You'll get:

Cheat Sheet 1: Google Ranking Roadmap
Cheat Sheet 2: Free Business Directory
Cheat Sheet 3: Perfect GMB Category Selection Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet 4: How to Get Your Law Firm Featured in the News
Cheat Sheet 5: Get More 5-Star Reviews for Your Law Firm
Cheat Sheet 6: How to Convert More Website Traffic into Clients

These EXCLUSIVE cheat sheets help transform your website and Google listing into an asset that floods your firm with qualified leads like clockwork.

They aren't available anywhere else for any other price. 

Total Value $497 - ONLY $37 Today!
Patrick followed my advice and was able to rank his law firm in the Google Maps. 

His practice area? 

Personal Injury & Criminal Miami, FL. 

Oh yeah, and he used a Regis office, not a real office. 

All he did was go through one of my older courses, used the strategy, and got the result. 

This is the exact strategy I'll show you in this exclusive course, updated for 2021.

You'll learn what it takes to get your law firm in the Google Maps so you can grab leads like clockwork. 
High Rankings Are Valuable. That's Why Firms Buy Ads
Josh is an immigration attorney in California. 

Using the exact same techniques you’ll discover in this course, we got him featured on Fox LA! 

Other news networks and stations like Univision and ABC picked him up as well. 

He was amazed! He even professed his love for Rupert Murdoch!

When you get access to this course, you’ll see an exclusive interview with Josh about the success he’s achieved and why this works so well.

Chip's law firm always hovered around 15 cases per month. 

Once we took over his law firm's website, they started having record breaking months. 

In the email above, you can see that they had already signed up 30 cases, with more leads on the way in. 

When he asked how they found him, the answer was the same: "Google!"

What we did for Chip wasn't rocket surgery. 

It was a simple strategy that has proven successful over and over again. In fact, it's the same strategy I use for all of my private clients. 
Your Website is An Asset - More Valuable Than Real Estate!
More searches, more phone calls, and more revenue...

Sounds pretty enticing right?

It doesn't require a super complicated strategy.

Here's what I want to show you in this exclusive training...
I'll show the exact simple steps you can take to get your law firm planted at the top of Google.

Could you spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars setting up confusing links and improve your Google ranking?

Yes, probably. Maybe.

But what happens when Google introduces an algorithm named after another zoo animal...

And all of a sudden your site ranking plummets?

How many phone calls will you get when your firm is stuck on page 5?

That is EXACTLY why you need to follow the SEO clues that Google hides in plain sight. 

They're basically telling you what you need to rank higher.

But Andy, can I even do it without confusing links or learning complicated code?


That’s how I’ve been able to help lawyers all over the world rank their sites higher and get more leads rushing in to their firms every single day.

While everyone is trying to focus on complicated & convoluted SEO strategies...

I keep things as simple as possible…

So your firm can crank in new clients...

Without wasting tons of money or feeling the wrath of a Google's punishment...

Or falling victim to their "algorithm changes".

So you can focus on helping as many people as possible.

Just Use the Simple Tips I'll Give You To Rank in the Google Maps and Get More Clients!

Imagine Getting Featured On...



  • The 3 Secrets to Getting Your Firm Featured on the News Easily & Consistently. These 3 shocking secrets will unlock the gates to getting your firm featured on the news fast. ($1,497 Value).
  • ​​The 3 Attributes EVERY Story Must Have To Have a Chance of Sniffing a News Broadcast or Website. Once you KNOW what every news story must have, you can provide it and make it a no-brainer for reporters to seek you out for stories. ($3,997 Value).
  • ​EXACTLY How to Pitch a Story So It Gets Picked Up A big part of ranking in the Google Maps is setting your GMB profile up the right way! I'll walk you through exactly how we set configure our client listings, step by step ($2,997 Value).
  • The Perfect Time to Pitch a Story Worried you won't know WHEN to pitch the story to give you the best shot at getting featured? Our former news reporter and PR director will reveal the perfect pitch time and how to use it to your advantage. ($1,497 Value).
  • ​NEVER Get Your Words Twisted or Misquoted You'll discover why you don't need to worry about getting misquoted or discredited on the news. ($997 Value).
  • ​The Blueprint for FAST Effective Story Pitches: You don't have to waste hours of your day pitching stories. We'll reveal the simple blueprint for fast story ideas you can churn out in minutes. ($4,997 Value).
  • How to Become a News Superstar Even if You Have ZERO Connections in the Media Now: You don't need news reporter family members to get featured. We'll show you how to quickly create a network of news connections even if you're starting from scratch. ($2,397 Value).  
  • ​BONUS: Behind the Scenes Pitch-Crafting: Watch us interact with real lawyers and help them craft pitch-perfect stories in minutes. This shows that this can work for any practice area. (Priceless)
  • SUPER BONUS: Interview with Attorney Who's Become a Media Staple: You'll hear from one attorney who's using this strategy to become a media phenom. He's flooded his firm with leads and you'll hear what works best for him. (Priceless) 

TOTAL VALUE OF $15,982!!!

RIGHT NOW: ONLY $497 $4!

This course is 10x more valuable than what I’m charging right now.

I could easily charge $1,000 for this and it would STILL be underpriced.

But I’m going to let you get lifetime access today for only $4.

I know how many lawyers NEED this help, and I know how valuable it is. So I’m charging a much lower price so that I can help more people.

Why would I do that?

Because when this works for you (notice I said when, not if), then you’ll come back to me for any other marketing needs you have.

I’m so confident it will work, I’m selling it at this low price to show you how effective this is and how easy it is to do.

But it won’t last long, so take advantage while it’s still at this price.

So stop watching other attorneys getting cases that should be yours just because people recognize their names. Get YOUR name and law firm recognized, respected, and buzzed about all over your local area.

Start getting the leads, cases, and revenue that you deserve.

Start getting publicity, credibility, and clients for FREE!

Get the complete Law Firm PR Playbook today.

You’re Protected By My 30 Day Guarantee!

So how does this work?

It means if for some odd reason you don’t find this playbook valuable...

Or if you’re not getting any results…

Or maybe you found someone who’s better at teaching this stuff…

Just email my customer support team within 30 days and we’ll refund you every dollar you invested.

No questions asked.

There's absolutely NO RISK for you!


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Imagine Getting Featured On...


Get the PR Playbook Cheat Sheet showing you the most effective, actionable tips in this easy to use "field guide".

This cheat sheet will help you get featured faster and more consistently by mastering the strategies that have worked for the last 100 years.

You'll discover every step you need to get featured in the news fast in this complete, easy to digest guide

Get featured faster and more consistently with this cheat sheet. This isn't available anywhere else at any other price.

Total Value $497 - ONLY $37 Today!
So some of you might be wondering…
Andy, What Makes You Qualified To Teach Me How to Get My Law Firm Ranked in the Google Maps?
I’ve been helping lawyers with SEO for years.

It's how I started in marketing. I was studying and implementing SEO strategies long before I ever got into social media marketing.

What I've found is that ranking in the Google maps is the foundation for a successful marketing strategy.

And I've helped lawyers in every practice area and location reach the summit of Google rankings.

I've helped multiple lawyers transform their websites into assets that allowed them to sell their law firms.

One even retired on a white sandy beach in Hawaii. Alo-ha!

One lawyer sold his firm so he could focus on the one he's always dreamed of. He's happier and less stressed than ever. 

There's a reason our SEO clients stay with us for over 3 years on average. 

Because they get results from their websites over and over again.

So while other marketers suck the hard-earned money from lawyers without ever showing a result...

My clients are getting massive ROI from simple strategies that produce consistent results.

With that being said…
How Long Are You Going To Keep Missing Out on More Clients and More Revenue?
You can keep pouring money into PPC ads or keep paying that marketing company...

Hoping they'll give you the ROI you want.

But that’s like the definition of insanity, right?

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result...

At some point you'll have to deal with the consequences. 

And the consequences will be losing out on tons of potential clients and revenue.

Whether that be several thousand dollars in lost revenue…

Maybe five, six...even seven figures of revenue lost…

For most lawyers I talk to it's at least six figures. 

And even if you do get a case or two from what you're doing...

Is it consistent? 

How much money are you still wasting? At what point is that going to hurt your law firm?

How long can you wait with everything happening right now?

Hoping to get more leads and clients for your firm.

I don't want you to have to "hope" anymore.

While everyone else is forking out money and not getting clients...

You can use simple strategies that can deliver new ideal clients to your firm's doorstep. 

And NEVER have to worry about wasting your firm's hard-earned money.

But the choice is ultimately yours.

Everything you need to know about cementing your firm's spot in the Google maps is in this crash course.

And if you miss out on this opportunity now, you’ll have to pay the full price of $1,997 in the future.

Even at that price, it’s a no-brainer…

ESPECIALLY if your firm relies on your website for phone calls and leads.

And you don’t even need to know anything about marketing to get the most out of this training…

You can be a complete newbie…

And by the end of this training, you’ll be able to crack Google's code and get your firm skyrocketing towards the top spot.

AND won’t waste any time or deal with Google slaps along the way…

PLUS - what you'll discover in this training works for all practice areas.

It’s the ONLY way to predictably and consistently move your firm towards the top spot.

There’s no way you can afford to miss out on this…

So learn the simple steps you can start taking right now to get your firm ranked in the Google maps.

Take advantage of this massive discount and grab your spot while you still can.